Tag Archives: law of attraction dating

How To Build Self Confidence

Self confidence and self worth are two fo the most important qualities a man can have when it comes to dating. Really, they are the most important qualities in all aspects of life. From dating and your professional life to the way you deal with the cop who pulled you over and the jerk you’re on the phone with from the cable company.

Self worth is one of those things that if you don’t have it you want it, but are unsure how to get it.

What would your life be like if you felt incredible about yourself? Would you go sky diving or travel abroad? Would you go out more often or approach more women? The fact of the matter is if you have high enough self confidence you can do anything you want.

Do you think anyone in congress (or politics in general) has low self worth? NO. If they did they wouldn’t be good leaders or speakers!

So how can you raise your self worth? Do something crazy!

I’m serious here. Go out and do something to push your comfort zone. I would generally recommend starting small and working your way up, but that’s up to you.

If you don’t like heights – try a roller coaster. Once you can handle roller coasters go on a Power Tower type ride that drops you several stories. After that? How about bungee jumping – or hang gliding – or sky diving. Who knows, you might find out you actually like the activity after a while.

Are you seeing my point here? You want to do things you wouldn’t normally do. This is good for two reasons:

  1. It could introduce you to new activies and people you wouldnt have never met otherwise.
  2. Even if you decide you don’t like the activity, you can look back and say “Wow, if I can do that… What else am I capable of doing?”

Another way to help your self confidence is to take up a practical hobby. Think things that make you look good. Sports, martial arts, or cooking are all winners. If you take a class you have found a place for instant friends, commrodery, and maybe even dates.

Besides, women love a man who can cook! They will think it’s romantic if you offer to make them dinner (even if its just stuffed shells and a bottle of cheap wine).

So there you have it, just a couple of the ways you can raise your self worth and self confidence so you can go after the women you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

Attract women now

The Law of Attraction and dating

The Law of Attraction is the universal principle that ‘like attracts like’. All the events in your life or the people you have met are all people you have attracted through your vibrational frequencies – through the Law of Attraction.

This law brings your everything you ask for, whether you do it consciously or not. That parking ticket you got – you “Asked for it”. Maybe you didn’t consciously say ” I want a parking ticket” but your thoughts, emotions, and actions were at such a frequency that you brought that ticket to you.

If you are sitting there reading this thinking “that sucks” you are looking at it completely backwards. The law may bring you everything you don’t want, but it will just as easily bring you everything you do want too. You just have to change your thoughts and actions and focus on the things you do want.

Want the girl of your dreams? start acting like you deserve her. Stop having one night stands or dating every co-dependent woman you can find. Doing things like that will only bring you more things like that into your life. When you push those negative elements out of your life the universe will acknowledge your change in direction and start to give you what you really want – what you are now focusing on.

So focus on your perfect girl and don’t deviate from that path.  The universe will bring you what you want.
